EcommerceBot vs Tawk to: Features And Differences

Communication is vital in every business. The success of any business is significantly affected by the level of customer engagement. That’s why companies increasingly invest in tools that ensure customer engagement and satisfaction.

This is quite important, especially when dealing with online businesses.

Since your customers are spread all over and don’t come to your actual store, proper communication helps build trust and grow sales.

But how do you choose the right tools for this job?

How do you identify the ideal tools for your type of business? Reviews, referrals, and thorough research will work.

Today, we compare two customer engagement AI tools: EcommerceBot vs Tawk to If you’ve been wondering which would suit your business better, here is a complete overview of the two platforms. 

What Is EcommerceBot? 

EcommerceBot is a cloud-based AI tool set for ecommerce businesses. The platform has customer engagement features that promise customer satisfaction and sales growth. 

Generally, EcommerceBot can automate almost every activity in your ecommerce store. For example, how do you import products from your supplier to your Shopify store?

EcommerceBot helps to automate and simplify the process.

EcommerceBot vs Tawk to

Also, how do you respond to your customers’ queries? With EcommerceBot Advanced Live Chat and Omnichannel chatbot features, engaging customers and solving their problems has never been more accessible. 

The EcommerceBot is a comprehensive set of AI tools that analyzes your customer’s behavior and shop activities to provide the best solutions for your store and the customers.

What Is Tawk. to is a cloud-based customer engagement (live chat and messaging) solution created for all business types and sizes. The platform helps businesses, primarily e-commerce, connect with and solve their customers’ problems. 

EcommerceBot vs Features And Differences

This platform lets you chat with your customers or shop visitors anytime. You can monitor their activities, respond to tickets, or create a Help Center. 

Generally, Tawk. Ensures you can leverage proper communication to grow your sales and business. 

EcommerceBot vs Top Features

Any e-commerce store automation tool is only as good as its features. So, how do these two platforms rank against each other? 

EcommerceBot vs Features And Differences

EcommerceBot Top Features 

Here are the top features that would make you choose EcommerceBot any day:

Omnichannel Chatbot

This feature is helpful if you run an e-commerce business. It lets you connect and engage with your customers or site visitors across several communication channels.

Leveraging the power of AI, this chatbot helps you offer 24/7 live chat support and answer all customer queries from all social media platforms. 

EcommerceBot vs Tawk to: Features And Differences

Even better, the chatbot handles an enormous load of questions, reducing the live agents’ workload by around 70%. However, if a customer wants a live agent, this feature also offers seamless handoff to the agent. 

AI Ads Automation

The growth of any business heavily relies on the type of ads you place and how you place them. Remember, it all starts with product or brand awareness.

This AI ads automation feature makes ad creation, targeting, and placement easy and effective. Whether you are running ads on Google, Facebook, or Instagram, this AI ads automation promises a high ROI. 

First, it analyzes your store activities and customer behaviors to determine the ads to create. Then, it schedules the best time to post these ads. All this ensures that the right audience gets the intended message at the right time.

Social Media Manager 

Who isn’t on social media today? Well, the majority of the population is. And interestingly, that’s the part of the population you need for your business to grow. 

The social media manager feature automates customer engagement on social media platforms. It creates and schedules posts and videos for your pages, responds to direct messages, and engages customers in the comments section. 

This way, you are sure that around 90% of your customers’ queries are answered correctly and on time. When customers feel they are part of the business, they become loyal to your brand.

Shopify Integration 

Running an online business requires tracking inventory and customer orders. This way, you don’t run out of stock or face a question you can’t answer. 

The Shopify Integration features come in handy here. Order tracking ensures you have ready answers to your customers’ questions, primarily when you dropshipping. 

This integration also helps analyze your business, offering the best insights on the type of ads to place or how to optimize it. Understanding your customers’ behavior, including what they want and how they shop, can help you target them better. Top Features

This cloud-based customer engagement solution comes packed with the following features:

Live Chat 

Tawk. to is among the most popular live chat platforms globally. It allows you to monitor and engage with your shop’s visitors anytime, through your website, mobile app, or from a customized page. 

The live chat feature lets you see how customers interact with your website in real time. For example, which pages do they visit? Also, how often do they visit these pages?

The feature also allows you to localize the messages into the language you want, respond to chats from your mobile device, and respond in the shortest time.

AI Assist (Apollo AI Bot)

With the introduction of an AI chatbot, responding to your customers’ questions becomes even more accessible. With the Apollo AI Bot, you can now respond to customers instantly based on data collected by the AI.

The benefits of the AI assist feature include fast replies, accurate answers, and the ability to brainstorm. And the best thing? The AI doesn’t require training. Once you turn it on, it automatically starts to learn about your business and customers, offering accurate answers instantly. 

Chat Pages

There is no need to worry if you don’t have a website. You can use Chat Pages. These are usually hosted landing pages that allow you to convert links to conversations.

They are easy to customize and will quickly turn your links into conversations. 

Contacts (CRM)

Contacts help to ensure that zero leads go cold. With it, you can organize and manage your leads and prospects from a single point. It is easy to set up, allows you to add unlimited contacts, and helps empower your team without extra training. 

Other benefits of Contacts include:

  • Qualifying leads
  • Adding and managing new organizations
  • Custom attributes and segments 
  • Easy import process
  • 24/7 support

This feature also allows you to save time by streamlining your processes.

Knowledge Base

This option helps business owners to provide answers to their customers. The feature lets your business share your team’s knowledge internally and make public what you deem best. This way, customers can easily find answers to their questions without contacting your support team. 

EcommerceBot vs Pricing 

Your budget can also influence the automation tools you get for your business. Therefore, understanding the Pricing for different platforms can help you make an informed decision. 

EcommerceBot Pricing 

EcommerceBot vs

EcommerceBot is a budget-friendly platform comprising three paid plans with a 30-day free trial period each. The plans include:

Starter Plan

The starter plan is the most basic plan at $49 a month. However, this doesn’t mean that it lacks the essential features. It is ideal for startups and includes the following features:

  • 1000 messages 
  • AI live chat 
  • Facebook Integration
  • Instagram Integration
  • Shopify Integration 
  • Multichannel Chatbot 
  • 10 AI-generated videos
  • 10 AI-generated images
  • Social media scheduling 

There will also be an “Ads with AI” feature soon. 

Grow Plan

At $79 monthly, this plan gives you access to 3,000 messages and all the features in the starter plan. It also includes the following features:

  • 20 AI-created images
  • 15 AI-created videos
  • Premium support 
  • Ability to place five ads simultaneously 

You also get a 30-day free trial. This period allows you to decide whether what the platform offers meets your organization’s or business needs. 

EcommerceBot vs Features And Differences

Scale Plan

This plan offers 10,000 messages for $149 a month. It also includes all the features present on the lower plans, plus these extra ones: 

  • Unlimited videos and images (AI generated)
  • Unlimited ad runs at a time
  • Premium support 
  • Shopify expert support

You can try this feature for free for 30 days without providing any card details.

Tawk. to Pricing 

According to the site, Tawk. to is free for life. That’s right! You pay nothing for using Tawk. to customer engagement features. As they’ve put it:

  • Not Limited
  • Not Freemium 
  • Just free

But there is a catch. It’s free if you don’t remove the branding – “powered by” 

If you want the branding gone, you pay $19 a month. Also, if you want to automate your live chat with their AI Assist, you spend $29 a month. 

Lastly, for businesses that want live agents and not AI-powered bots, Tawk charges $1 an hour for the task. This means that while the platform claims to be free, you might have to pay some money to access some features.

Conclusion on EcommerceBot vs

Tawk might be free and quite popular, but it focuses on one thingโ€”chatting with customers. On the other hand, while EcommerceBot costs a few dollars, it is more comprehensive and ideal for those who want to scale their businesses. 

For example, if you want the best platform for order and inventory tracking, EcommerceBot fits the bill. Also, if you wish for an AI tool that helps you import products from your supplier to your Shopify store, EcommerceBot still wins. 

Unlock unprecedented growth in just 30 days with our comprehensive, results-driven strategy. Our 30 Days Growth Guarantee Plan is designed to supercharge your ecommerce business with tailored solutions that cover all critical aspects of digital marketing and automation.


The platform also helps you automate other processes in your store, including ad creation and placement, social media posts, video scheduling, etc. It is designed to ensure your entire business runs smoothly for better results. 

Sign up today for EcommerceBot and watch your business scale to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best ecommerce store?

The best ecommerce store depends on the type of business you are undertaking. For example, according to Forbes, Squarespace is the best e-commerce platform. However, Ecwid tops the list for existing stores, while Shopify wins regarding dropshipping. 

How do you increase sales on an e-commerce website?

There are several ways to increase e-commerce sales. These include launching ad campaigns, improving the sales funnel, social media marketing, customer engagement, and improving the site’s user experience. 

What is fulfillment in e-commerce?

It is simply the process of delivering products ordered by customers. It may include ordering placement, packaging, shipping, and handling returns. 

Can you make money with e-commerce?

Yes, e-commerce can be a lucrative venture if handled well. However, like any other business, you must have the right strategy. 

For instance, you must identify the right niche, target your audience with suitable ads and awareness info, and ensure you have what the customers want. Customer engagement, primarily dropshipping, is also crucial for online businesses’ success. 

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