Shopify Conversion Rates: A Beginner’s Guide

Most Shopify store owners aim to convert their website visitors into customers. 

However, most need help, making it hard to turn these visitors into customers. 

You can put in all the hard work, invest in marketing tools, and even seek advice from Shopify experts, but your efforts still need to be revised. 

But don’t worry, most Shopify store owners are going through the same, with very few reaching a 2% conversion rate. 

This natural struggle forces most to quit the journey even before they start enjoying the fruits of their hard work. The truth is that it can be challenging to boost your overall conversion rates. 

In this guide, we will explore everything related to Shopify conversion rates. By the end, you will need to understand what a Shopify conversion rate is, what affects it, how to calculate it, what good and bad conversion rates are, and finally, different ways to improve your Shopify store conversion rate.

Let’s get started to help you increase your sales and revenue on your Shopify store without wasting time. 

What is the Shopify Conversion Rate? 

A conversion occurs when a visitor purchases from your Shopify store. Furthermore, it shouldn’t only be about making a purchase; it can also involve clicking a particular button, filling out a form, or even subscribing to a newsletter. The main aim of a Shopify website is to turn many visitors into subscribers or customers. 

Shopify conversion rate is the percentage of your Shopify website visitors who take any action on your site compared to the total number of website visitors. All Shopify owners need to track these metrics as they offer precise data on their Shopify store performance. 

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Your Shopify store can either have a high or low conversion rate. If your Shopify conversion rate is high, your marketing strategies will work, and visitors will find your website unique and appealing.

However, a low conversion rate indicates that your Shopify store might need help with the UX or design or that your marketing strategies could be better. 

What Affects Conversion Rates

The conversion rate is mainly affected by both external and internal factors. These factors make optimizing the Shopify conversion rate challenging; however, if you work on these factors before they affect your overall Shopify conversion rate. 

Customer Service

A good ecommerce store needs to offer customers strong customer support. You need to be there for your customers anytime they need you, thus building a solid relationship between your brand and customers. But how do you expect customers to trust your brand when you can’t offer customer support when they need you?

You must offer customer support 24/7 and ensure customers get instant responses. 

Furthermore, you must ensure customers can reach you from their preferred channels, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Email, or SMS. To make this easy, you can invest in a chatbot like Ecommercebot, which offers 24/7 customer support. 

UX/UI Design and Site Performance

User experience (UX) is essential in making decisions about your visitors. If your site is slow, it will negatively affect the customer experience as it will appear unreliable and unappealing, which results in a high bounce rate. A good loading speed for a website should be between 1 and 2 seconds.

Your website needs to load fast to offer a great customer experience. Additionally, your website’s user interface should be easy to use and navigate. 

Use mage menus to ensure your products are accessible to visitors, and they can easily use the search bar to find products they are looking for. 


Your brand needs to represent your customers by offering what they most need. To facilitate this need, the development of algorithms has made it easy. And if you lack the algorithms, your main products can be buried in your product collections on the 15th page. 

Therefore, you must add a section on your Shopify website with product recommendations that visitors can love. Recommending products to your customers makes it easy for them to choose from your different varieties, making it easy for them as they don’t have to go through the search process, which is sometimes daunting. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO plays a crucial role in your Shopify website as it makes your website store and products known worldwide. It is just like marketing; it introduces your brand to the world so people can see what your business offers that your competitors don’t. 

For your website to be visible to Google searches, you must apply SEO practices on your Shopify website. Some of these SEO basics include;

  • Keyword optimization
  • Fast loading speed
  • Use quality and optimized images
  • An easy-to-navigate website
  • Use of optimized titles and descriptions  

How to Calculate Shopify Conversion Rates

Most people think conversion rate is all about customers purchasing from your store or, in other term, purchase conversion rate. 

This term means the total percentage of your Shopify website visitors who finalize a purchase compared to the total number of your Shopify website visitors.  

These metrics are essential for your ecommerce business since they directly impact profitability and revenue. 

Shopify Conversion Rates

To calculate your conversion rate, you need to keep track of the number of visitors to your website within a certain period. You can utilize tools such as Google Analytics to track this data.

The data should include who visited your website and whether they purchased anything. Next, track the total number of people who completed sales within the period. 

Now, it’s time to calculate your conversion rate. Here is a simple formula;

Conversion Rate= (Total Conversions/ Number of Visitors) X100

Here is a good example;

Your Shopify website had 20,000 visitors in two months, and 1,500 completed a purchase. Calculate the conversion rate.

Conversion Rate= (1,500/20,000) X 100

                                   =0.075 X 100


The conversion rate for your store within the last two months is 7.5%

However, with technological advancements and AI, you don’t have to manually calculate your Shopify conversion rate, as Shopify automatically calculates it. 

What is a Good Shopify Conversion Rate?

A reasonable conversion rate is crucial as it determines the success of your ecommerce store. Shopify says a reasonable conversion rate should be 3.3% and above. If your Shopify stores range here, then you are good to go. If your business has this conversion rate, your store is definitely among the top 20% of stores in Shopify.

Different factors affect the performance of your Shopify store. Everything from the design to marketing strategies to the products you sell can positively and negatively affect your conversion rates. Therefore, you must improve your conversion rates to increase store sales. 

What is a Bad Shopify Conversion Rate?

The overall average Shopify conversion rate is 1.3%. Therefore, if your store’s conversion rate is below that, it is a bad Shopify conversion, and your store will rank among the 50% of bottom stores in conversion rates. 

However, below average doesn’t mean that your store is that bad, as there are stores with conversion rates, making them below 20% at the bottom. It is an alarming conversion rate, and the chances of success for such a store are very slim. 

If your conversion rate is below 0.5%, you can work on your store to improve the overall conversion rate. If it is 3.2%, you can also improve this to get higher conversion rates. 

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How to Improve Shopify Conversion Rates

Now that you understand Shopify conversion rates, the significant factors that affect them, how to calculate them, and what constitutes a good and bad conversion rate, you might find it challenging to increase your conversion rate, especially if you have a bad one. 

But don’t stress yourself. Here are ten proven strategies for improving your Shopify conversion rates.

Website Design

When new customers visit your store, they need to be able to navigate your store easily. The design and layout of your Shopify website play an essential role in the overall customer experience. Thus, your website needs a good first impression to ensure customers have a seamless way on your website.

The best way to make your customers happy when they land on your website is to give them an easy way to navigate the site and get all the products and information they need. Understanding simplicity is an essential key to running an e-commerce business. Ensure your website loads fast, as slow loading speeds result in a poor customer experience. 

Furthermore, some people use their smartphones to shop online. Thus, your website needs to be optimized for mobile users. A responsive mobile site is vital in increasing conversion rates by making the loading speed fast and easy to navigate. 

Ensure Seamless Checkout Process

Potential customers will likely abandon their carts if your Shopify website checkout process is shorter. People want to save a minute filling out different forms online shopping. Everyone loves a simple checkout process where they can finish shopping for the checkout from just one page.

Seamless checkout makes it simpler, faster, and more convenient for customers to purchase from you. Additionally, customers can review every piece of information, like the return policy or terms and conditions, and make their final purchase from the same page. 

Also, including multiple payment methods for your customers makes it convenient for them. Customers love having the chance to choose their preferred payment method. If you offer them this opportunity, your Shopify store will decrease the rate of abandoned carts, attract customers, enhance customer experience, and boost conversions. 

Include Live Chat on Checkout

A live chat is essential in offering a great overall customer experience, as it gives customers instant responses to solve their queries.

Excellent customer support will increase your conversion rates by at least 40%. Connecting your Shopify store with a live chat lets customers connect with your brand.

Creating a human connection for your brand helps boost trust and increase the conversion rate. A perfect live chat is Ecommercebot, which makes it easy to communicate with customers by offering instant and 24/7 customer support. It also helps customers on Shopify throughout the shopping journey, making it smooth.

The bot answers all your customers’ queries even in your absence. Most customers are impatient and don’t have time to wait for you to respond to their queries.

The maximum time a customer can wait is 3 minutes. If it goes past that, they are likely to abandon their carts. Ensure your customer support is exceptional to boost your conversion rates.

Reduce Price Shock

Shipping costs are the primary reason for the rise in cart abandonment. Most customers abandon their carts at the checkout due to hidden extra costs like fees, tax, and shipping, which make the product too high, thus exceeding the customer’s budget.

Offering free shipping to your customers is an excellent way to reduce price shock. Ensure you let them know that shipping is free in your advertising campaigns.

However, offering free shipping might affect your profits; thus, if you need help offering free shipping, inform your customers about the shipping fee in advance. 

If other charges are not included in the product’s paramount price, ensure the customers know to avoid the price shock at the end. When customers know about these extra charges, conversion rates will increase.

Describe the Benefits of your Products

Customers want to purchase a particular product to help them solve their problems. Customers can buy from you because your product highlights its benefits and what it can solve compared to your competitors. Therefore, it’s advisable to explain the benefits of your products.

Don’t just copy-paste product descriptions from your manufacturers. Use the provided products as a guide for writing your own.

Optimize it with SEO keywords and explain how customers can benefit from purchasing or using your product.  

Describe the different features of each product and how it can benefit them. For USP (Unique selling point), this can help boost your conversion chances and decrease the number of return requests. 

Cross-Sell and Upsell

Cross-selling and upselling are perfect ways to boost the average order value. Yet, you need to limit the options you give your customers.

Being too pushy with complimentary pieces or related products can frustrate the customer, resulting in distractions before the shopper completes their purchase.

Shopify development allows integration with third-party apps like Ecommercebot to help you cross-sell and upsell products.

The software recommends relevant products to visitors related to what the customer is looking for, thus encouraging them to purchase. 

Limit Pop-Ups

Pop-ups are an excellent tool for businesses to communicate with their customers. But when they become too pushy, they affect customers’ experiences—one great thing about using pop-ups. Additionally, you need to focus on the pop-up message and timing.

Your pop-up message should require only one action. To motivate your visitors to act, it is best to use trigger words such as now, buy, discount, accessible, and get. 

Also, adding CTA buttons to your Shopify store makes it easy to convert your visitors to customers. You can make the buttons unique by using big letters and brand colors and initiating conversations with your customers in the first or second person. 

Work on your pop-up timing as well. Avoid using pop-ups immediately after visitors arrive on your website, especially mobile visitors.

These types of pop-ups can irritate visitors. Analyze your customers’ behavior keenly so that you can create pop-ups that reduce dropouts. 

A well-crafted pop-up with a clear message that captures visitors can be a perfect way to convert them to customers. You can try different pop-ups to see which works best for your store. 

Reduce the Cart Abandonment Rates

Sales are essential to your Shopify store, but losing sales has a negative impact, and no one wants to lose their sales. The ecommerce sector is filled with many window shoppers, and among your daily site visits, only a few people complete their purchases.

It would help if you worked on strategies to increase the number of people finalizing a purchase. Try to give your customers reasons why they can finalize the purchase and re-engage with them. 

One popular way to reduce the cart abandonment rate is by using cart abandonment notifications and emails.

It becomes easy when your visitors have registered accounts. Cart-abandoned emails are one of the easiest and fastest ways to convert them. 

The email is a reminder for all the products they view and gives them reasons to buy them. You can also offer them free shipping or discounts to increase the probability of them purchasing the product.

Do A/B Testing

A/B testing is a good strategy for increasing conversion rates. It is also known as bucket testing or split testing. The process involves using different versions of elements or pages on a website and sharing them in various groups at once. The main goal is to test which one performs better. 

Select one element at a time to ensure your A/B testing is successful. You can also test other components such as product descriptions, CTAs, Ads, images, or even headlines.

This method helps you increase conversion rates and select the best strategy for your e-commerce store. 

Get Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Most customers read reviews from past customers before making any purchase online. If your products have reviews from previous customers, it is easier for them to convert. Thus, it is clear that Shopify products need customers’ reviews. 

Ensure your Shopify website has customer reviews under each product. If you don’t have any product reviews, you can request your past customers for reviews and give them something back, like free shipping or product discounts.

Furthermore, influencers love gifts, so you can ask for their feedback and give them a free product in return. 

If your niche is fitness or beauty, you need to get testimonials, as they play a crucial part in marketing. Testimonials are more potent for your Shopify products than reviews.

You can contact some of your past customers, interview them, and share their stories on your Shopify website to increase your conversion rates.

Final Thoughts

Understand how to calculate your Shopify conversion rates and know when you have reasonable rates. This information helps measure your Shopify business performance and see if your strategies are working or need new ones.

We have given you ten proven tactics you can use on your Shopify store to improve conversion rates.

Unlock unprecedented growth in just 30 days with our comprehensive, results-driven strategy. Our 30 Days Growth Guarantee Plan is designed to supercharge your ecommerce business with tailored solutions that cover all critical aspects of digital marketing and automation.


One solution that works well for any e-commerce store is integrating live chat software like Ecommercebot. This helps ensure your customers get support 24/7, reducing abandoned cart rates. You can try our bot with a free 30-day trial. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to Increase Conversion Rate on Shopify?

You can use various ways to increase your conversion rates on Shopify. Some common ones include website design, reducing price shock, A/B testing, reducing cart abandonment rates, cross-selling and upselling, limiting pop-ups, describing the benefits of your products, and getting customer reviews and testimonials.

What is a reasonable Shopify conversion rate for Shopify? 

A reasonable Shopify conversion rate should be above 3.3%. 

What is the alarming Shopify conversion rate?

The average conversion rate should be 1.3%. Therefore, if your Shopify rate is below 1.3%, that is an alarming conversion rate. 

Why is my Shopify conversion rate so alarming?

Your Shopify conversion rate is low due to various factors, both internal and external, that affect performance. These factors include UI/UX design, search engine optimization, customer services, and personalization. 

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