EcommerceBot vs Landbot: Similarites And Differences

Businesses are built on relationships. Strong relationships foster loyalty and trust.

When your customers, partners, suppliers, and fellow traders trust your brand, they will likely choose your products and services. 

This will help strengthen your business and make it successful in the long term. 

So, how can you achieve this? Prompt engagement tops the list. Addressing inquiries promptly is a vital aspect of every business. 

People want to get engaged and get answers to their queries quickly.

So, how do you ensure that these people get a response every time they ask a question on social media or a website? That’s where chatbots come in. They help provide prompt support to help visitors and customers get assistance whenever needed. 

This piece compares EcommerceBot vs Landbot, exploring their differences and similarities. 

Let’s dive in:


Let’s start with the basics. What are EcommerceBot and Landbot? 

What is Ecommercebot?

EcommerceBot is an AI automation system that provides multiple solutions, including an omnichannel chatbot for e-commerce businesses on the web and social media, Shopify integration, social media management, and ad automation. This bot works on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok (which will be available soon).

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

What is Landbot?

On the other hand, Landbot is an AI chatbot generator that creates conversational experiences on the web, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger for all business sizes.

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

This bot integrates with other platforms for better experiences, including Zapier, Calendly, Google Analytics, Segment, and Stripe.

As they’ve put it, the platform helps your business turn leads into satisfied customers, thus increasing revenue. It is a crucial tool for the marketing, sales, and customer support teams.

EcommerceBot vs. Landbot Features

Let’s now look closer at the distinct features of Ecommercebot and Landbot.

Ecommercebot Features

What makes EcommerceBot a highly sought-after e-commerce automation tool? Here are its most outstanding features:

Omnichannel Chatbot

The Omnichannel chatbot helps engage with business inquiries to your business in real-time across various social media channels and on Shopify.

This bot uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to understand a query or request and offer a suitable solution or answer. With this bot, users get 24/7 live chat support to customers.

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

This feature also helps to create personalized chat personas. In other words, you can tailor the style of your chats to match your brand. Lastly, the feature offers a live agent option if a customer wants to engage with a human. 

AI Ads Automation

Besides being a chatbot, EcommerceBot also helps create AI ad automation. With this bot, users get help in every step of their campaigns, from setting up ads and scheduling the posts to analyzing the insights after the campaign. The bot can pause underperforming ads and boost high-performing ones.

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

With the AI Ads Automation feature, you can post only the most relevant ads at the right time. The AI analyzes your audience and customers to help tailor advertisements that promise high ROI. This way, you spend less time and money on marketing campaigns that never convert. 

Social Media Manager

Ecommercebot helps manage your social media platforms. The bot generates content and does AI scheduling for Facebook and Instagram.

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Social media is a hub for potential customers. Therefore, posting the proper posts or videos plays a significant role in growing your e-commerce business. And in this bot, you have the right partner for that.

Shopify Bot

Ecommercebot also provides Shopify integration, which allows you to use the app to track inventory and orders. This integration also helps you import products from suppliers to your Shopify store. In other words, Shopify integration simplifies the most critical processes in your online shop.

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

You know every stage of the shipping process when you track your orders. This enables you to provide accurate answers to customers when they want to see the status of their orders. 

Landbot Features

The central feature of Landbot is chatbot generation for conversational experiences on the Web and social media platforms such as WhatsApp. Here is what it entails:

Keyword Matching

The bot creates conversational flows that can answer queries whenever a keyword is typed in the chat. Landbot provides Global Keyword and Keyword Jump. The Keyword Jump can ask the user a question and then route it to the proper conversation or flow. 

On the other hand, with the Global Keyword, the user can set up valid keywords for the whole flow. If these elements do not work out for your business, you can integrate the bot with the DialogFlow.

AI Assistants

Landbot has AI assistants that you can use for lead generation, appointment booking, and customer support. How does this work?

Regarding customer support, you can create a customized AI FAQ Assistant and direct Landbot where to gather information that it will use to answer customer queries. You can paste this information inside your chatbot flows or use it as a standalone assistant. 

With lead generation, you only need to specify the data you want from the lead and assign the correct variables. The Landbot will handle the rest.

With the AI Appointment setting assistant, you must integrate Landbot with Calendly so the lead can book a date on your calendar.

Landbot Integrations

The Landbot integrates with other platforms to offer better experiences, including: 

  • Zapier 
  • Calendly 
  • Slack
  • Hubspot
  • Airtable
  • Google Analytics
  • Webhook
  • Google Sheets
  • Mailchimp
  • Stripe
  • DialogFlow
  • Segment
  • SendGrid

WhatsApp Automation 

Landbot’s WhatsApp automation feature lets you be where your customers are and easily create conversations or offer customer service. 

WhatsApp is one of the most engaging channels. This makes it the best place to engage your customers, mainly due to the fast response time. Its main benefits include:

  • No-code Builder: You can create sophisticated chat flows with rich media, conditional logic, and formulas.
  • Opt-in Widgets: This helps you create and grow a Whatsapp subscribers list for your marketing campaigns.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Helps you create, schedule, and launch segmented WhatsApp campaigns to reach your audience better.
  • Notifications: You can send tailored notifications and alerts to your customers. This helps to maintain conversations.

EcommerceBot vs. Landbot Pricing 

Pricing is also paramount when picking the right toolset for your e-commerce store. You need a platform with the right features to boost your business but that doesn’t lead to financial problems. 

EcommerceBot Pricing 

EcommerceBot offers three pricing plans. These plans are designed to allow businesses of all sizes, big or small, to benefit from the platform’s top features. 

EcommerceBot vs Landbot

Starter Plan

The plan is ideal for startups, offering 1,000 messages for only $49 monthly. Other notable benefits of this plan include:

  • Live Chat
  • Multi-Channel Chatbot
  • Shopify integration 
  • Social media scheduling 
  • Facebook and Instagram integration 
  • 3 AI-created videos and 5 AI-created images
  • Ads performance – 1 product ad run at a time
  • Content course 
  • Premium support 

There is also an Ads with AI feature to be launched soon. 

Grow Plan

The Grow Plan will cost your business $79 a month for 3,000 messages, plus the following benefits:

  • Starter plan features
  • 20 AI-created images and 15 AI-created videos
  • Ads performance – 5 product ads at a time
  • Store conversion sheet 
  • Premium support 

Also coming soon is the “Ads With AI” feature.

Scale Plan

For a discounted price of $149 a month, the Scale Plan offers 10,000 messages plus the following benefits:

  • Grow Plan features
  • Unlimited AI images and videos 
  • Ads performance – unlimited
  • Shopify expert support 

All these plans offer a 30-day free trial. However, when you switch to a new plan, you stay on your previous one for a month.

Landbot Pricing 

With Landbot, you have four pricing plans to choose from. These include:

Sandbox Plan 

This is a free plan that charges nothing for life. It is ideal for businesses just trying to test chatbots and comes with the following features:

  • Number of seats – 1 
  • Messages – 100 monthly 
  • Team inbox
  • Limited integrations – Slack, Zapier, Google Analytics, and Sendgrid
  • Basic flow operations
  • Essential power-ups – bricks, human takeover, goals, and custom code 

Starter Plan 

The Starter Plan is ideal for individuals and small businesses. It costs €40 a month and comes packed with the following features:

  • Everything in the Sandbox plan 
  • Chats – 500 monthly 
  • AI chats – 20
  • Seats – 2
  • AI Assistants 
  • Custom code CSS/JS
  • Basic integrations – Stripe, Mailchimp, and more.
  • Upgraded flow operations 
  • Essential power-ups

You can sign up for a free trial. Also, if you pick a yearly subscription, you pay 20% less.

Pro Plan 

This is the plan for you if you have a mid-sized business, a growing startup, or an agency. It costs €100 a month for 2,500 messages, 30 AI messages, and three seats. It also includes the following benefits:

  • Everything in the Starter Plan
  • AI Assistants
  • Custom branding 
  • Advanced flow operations like formulas and lead scoring 
  • Advanced power-ups
  • Essential integrations
  • Live chat support 
  • Webhooks and API 

The plan also offers a free trial period. 

Business Plan

This plan starts at €400 for a custom number of messages monthly, 100 AI chats, and five seats. It is ideal for large businesses looking for priority support and custom features.

The main features of this plan include:

  • All features in the Pro Plan 
  • AI Assistants 
  • Team training 
  • Priority support 
  • Custom documentation review
  • Dedicated success manager 

To get started, you should contact the sales team for more details. 

Conclusion on Ecommercebot vs Landbot

That’s where chatbots come in. They help provide prompt support to help visitors and customers get assistance whenever needed. 

Engaging your customers and audience is paramount for your business’s success. Chatbots and e-commerce AI automation tools are among the best solutions. 

For instance, with EcommerceBot, you can automate ad creation, scheduling, and posting. You can also automate order tracking, supplier product imports, and customer query responses. All this helps streamline your store’s operations, which leads to higher customer satisfaction. 

Unlock unprecedented growth in just 30 days with our comprehensive, results-driven strategy. Our 30 Days Growth Guarantee Plan is designed to supercharge your ecommerce business with tailored solutions that cover all critical aspects of digital marketing and automation.


On the other hand, Landbot offers tools and features to help make your conversations with customers more efficient.

If you are looking only for a conversational tool, Landbot or EcommerceBot will do. But if you want something more comprehensive for all your store’s operations, EcommerceBot fits the bill. 

Do you have questions about Ecommercebot vs landbot?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to make money with e-commerce?

Like any other business, e-commerce requires time and consistency before it can make money. Also, every e-commerce business is unique, meaning the timeframes may vary. However, the average period is between 6 months and two years. The variation depends on how well you market your products, your customer engagement, and your selling products. 

How do I build trust in e-commerce?

Engaging with your customers is the first step to building trust in an e-commerce business. EcommerceBot and other AI e-commerce automation platforms help you do just that. From here, you must offer quality products and ensure delivery is always on time.

How do I improve sales in e-commerce?

First, know your target audience and launch targeted marketing campaigns. Second, automate your store’s activities, including ad creation and placement, order tracking, and customer engagement with tools like EcommerceBot.

Are e-commerce stores profitable?

Yes, you can make good money with e-commerce stores. However, you need to follow the right strategies. For instance, you must choose your niche, pick the right products, and launch effective ad campaigns. This can increase your store’s sales and, subsequently, profitability. 

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