Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy for EcommerceBot

Subscription Cancellations

  • Subscribers can cancel their subscriptions at any time through their account settings.
  • Mid-cycle cancellations will be effective from the next billing period.
  • Users can store their data & progress for up to 3 months after cancellation, which can be chosen when canceling.


  • EcommerceBot provides a user-friendly refund policy:
    • Full refunds are available within the first 14 days of a new subscription or renewal.
    • Full refunds for the last monthly payment are available for all unsatisfied users up to 30 days after payment.
    • Pro-rated refunds are offered for unused portions of the service upon cancellation.
  • To request a refund, users can contact our support team at

Service Termination

  • EcommerceBot reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate our terms.

Effect of Cancellation/Termination

  • Upon cancellation or termination, user data will be handled by our data retention and privacy policies.

Contact Information For any queries regarding our cancellation policy or to request assistance with subscription management or refunds, please get in touch with us at: LLC

Gammel Kalkbrænderi Vej 35

Floor 1

2100 Copenhagen O
