How To Use Google Trends For Dropshipping

With the boom in the dropshipping sector and the increasing competition every day, most dropshippers are finding ways to stay on top. 

One new trend they are embracing is using dropshipping tools to help ease the journey and beat this tough competition.

Google Trends, a tool that has gained significant popularity in the dropshipping sector, is a game-changer for drop shippers navigating the competitive market. 

This tool has been a game-changer for many dropshipping businesses, offering a sense of empowerment and capability. It’s not just a tool; it’s a key to success in the competitive dropshipping market. 

Dropshipping involves different stages, including choosing the right niche and product and marketing the products. Google Trends equips drop shippers with the necessary tools to achieve all this. 

In this article, we will walk you through Google Trends for dropshipping and show you how your dropshipping business can benefit from using Google Trends to maximize your profits. 

Google Trends is a free tool designed by Google to help people analyze the popularity of specific search queries commonly entered in Google search engines across languages and regions. 

The tool uses a chart to show how the search queries rise or fall in popularity over a certain period. 

Google trends

Google Trends is not just a tool for finding trending products; it’s a versatile resource that can enhance your SEO and marketing strategies. It’s a must-have for every drop shipper looking to stay ahead. 

Google Trends is a must-have tool for drop shippers as it helps identify a niche, find keywords, find trending products, and find a supplier or seasonal products. 

One of Google Trends’s most appealing aspects is its user-friendly interface. It’s designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those new to dropshipping. All you need to get started is a Google account, which you can create if you don’t have one. 

It is simple to start using Google Trends for dropshipping. There are only three significant steps. They allow you to learn about niche and product relevance for market research. 

Step 1: Search for a term or phrase

Google Trends gives you trends for a particular keyword, so you need to look for that keyword. Filter the search volume and compare it with the last five years. It helps you choose the right niche, do thorough market research, and watch your dropshipping business succeed. 

Step 2: Adjust the Time

Google Trends allows you to adjust time according to your needs. You can filter the search results by period, month, or year, according to your preference. The tool will then show you the trends you need for that period. 

Step 3: Adjust the Filter to Location

If you want to start dropshipping and target a specific location, you can filter to get trends within that location. You can also check for global trends, mainly if you want to target dropshipping worldwide. 

These three steps are easy and self-explanatory. You can check the different types of drops and rises to understand the search volume.

Google Trends is powerful and helps dropshippers better understand what their customers are looking for. 

Google Trends is not just a tool; it’s a pathway to success for drop shippers. 

It can help you transform your dropshipping business into a profitable venture, offering hope and motivation for the future. 

This tool allows drop shippers to find keywords, niches, and seasonal products and identify the products in high demand, paving the way for increased profitability.

Find Keywords

Dropshipping is not all about launching your store, adding products, and then relaxing and waiting for your store to generate profit. A lot of work goes into making the first sale, and you must market your products and business for the world to see. 

To make your marketing successful, you need to use the right keywords. Google Trends can help you identify the right keywords. Go through every keyword on your screen and search for the Related Topics and Related Queries sections. 

Find Niches

Finding a niche is the first step in starting a thriving dropshipping business. Most people need a hospitable niche for their dropshipping business, which is challenging. 

Choosing the right niche will save time, as you will give it to a company that bears no fruit. 

Google Trends is a perfect tool for finding your dropshipping niche. It helps you analyze a specific niche, audience, popularity, and profitability. 

Here is how you can use Google Trends to find relevant niches for your dropshipping business; 

  • Research trends using social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or X (formerly Twitter).
  • Once you have a list of these products, go to Google Trends and search for these products.
  • Analyze them depending on region and use other data categories before making the final choice. 

The best niches are those with increasing demand. You can also choose niches that are already high.

Find the Best Products to Sell

The success of your dropshipping store depends on the type of products you sell. Some products have high demand, while others’ demand is seasonal, which means it will be high during certain seasons and then decline when the season ends. 

Researching the right products to sell in your dropshipping store can take time. Most to do product research is premium, making it expensive to subscribe. But the good news is Google Trends is free and can help you find the best products to sell. 

To get the trending products under your niche, go to Google Trends, enter your specific niche, and you will get an idea of which products are popular. Next, look for the relevant product categories and compare the trends of the products. The one with a graph going upwards can be suitable for your dropshipping. 

Seasonal trends are an excellent way for every business to generate sales. Trends are essential in helping you retain market value and instantly improve your revenue.

For example, the fashion niche has an exceptionally high demand for specific products. 

After the release of Airforce sneakers, everyone wanted these particular shoes, and if you had sold them, you could have made a lot of money and increased your brand’s visibility. 

Social media is also a perfect place to find seasonal trends. You can follow influencers under your niche to know when certain products are trending. Once you see these trends, enter them on Google Trends to get the actual number. 

Target a Specific Location When Marketing

Dropshipping stores are operated online; thus, every activity takes place online. In other terms, your customers can be from any part of the world. However, because you focus on global clients, you can also assess the product trends in your region.

You can use Google Trends to identify which regions have high searches for a particular product. Through this method, you can find the latest products in the market and target that specific region for marketing

Find Suppliers

You will need suppliers to start dropshipping because you don’t hold inventory or manufacture products. 

Besides finding the trending niche and product for your dropshipping store, Google Trends can also help you find suppliers for your dropshipping business. 

You can use Google Trends to find the best-ranked suppliers for your business. You can also search for a specific supplier and see how it is ranked within a certain period. You can also filter the suppliers by their locations. 

Before settling for a specific supplier, you can compare different suppliers in the market to see which ranks better. Google Trends helps you find reliable suppliers, as these suppliers help you deliver quality goods and ship products on time. 

Eliminate Bad Keywords

When you search a particular keyword on Google Trends, you get results within a certain period. You can set the search to get results for a specific period, like a year, and find the keyword’s popularity. If the keyword’s popularity is high, it is a good sign. 

Using this method, you can identify the wrong keywords for your dropshipping business and avoid selling products under that keyword. A good example is that during COVID-19, the demand for face masks was high, but today, there are better dropshipping business ideas than selling these products. 

Dropshipping research tools can be used with Google Trends to help increase your dropshipping store’s online visibility. Finding trending products and selling them in your store can be a stepping stone for your store. 

Most ecommerce businesses utilize the power of artificial intelligence to automate researching trending products. However, you can also research by yourself using different dropshipping research tools. 

Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend is one of the best alternatives to Google Trends. The tool is popular in the dropshipping business as it helps dropshippers research the best products for their business and improve their results. Choosing a profitable niche is an excellent strategy for finding the best products. 

Utilizing AI (artificial intelligence) can assist in predicting trending products and analyzing best-selling products on other platforms, such as AliExpress and Shopify. 

After researching the best products to sell and adding them to your dropshipping store, you start generating sales. Sell The Trend can also help you create your store in minutes. 

Dropship Spy

As its name suggests, Dropship Spy helps you research products on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Furthermore, this tool can help you identify some of the best quality products by conducting product testing. 

It will show you the best products it has filtered in the market. 

Dropship Spy’s free plan gives users access to different product analysis features. However, if you wish to access the premium features, you must upgrade to the premium plans. The premium plans will help you with dropshipping insights, learn about the sales trends in your niche, analyze different products, and offer video advertisements. 

Finding suppliers can be challenging for your dropshipping business, but Dropship Spy helps you find reliable suppliers on social media. You can also build connections with experts in your niche who can help you launch the business. 

AliExpress Dropshipping Center

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is ideal for starting your dropshipping journey. It helps accelerate your results by offering the latest insights. The tools give you access to certain information, such as the highest-rated items, product analysis, sales history, and more. 

With all this information, it becomes easy for dropshippers to choose the best products for their dropshipping business. If you are looking for a better alternative to Google Trends, AliExpress is the best tool. 


Ecomhunt is a popular dropshipping research tool showing users the most popular products professionals hunt for. This tool allows you to track product performance over a certain period and manage sales. 

Like Google Trends, this tool is free. However, it doesn’t give access to every product database. Some premium plans can be subscribed to and provide access to the products’ popularity scores, analytics, and trends. 

Final Thoughts

Starting and operating a dropshipping business is challenging. This business model requires a lot of work. However, Google Trends helps drop-shippers throughout the journey, thus boosting their sales. The tool helps find a profitable niche, trending products, seasonal products, good and bad keywords, and suppliers, among other things. For any drop shipper, this is a must-have tool.

Additionally, to succeed in your dropshipping business, you must market your products, especially on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Ecommercebot handles all these activities by utilizing the power of AI. You can integrate this bot with your business and watch it show the world about your products or services. Try our bot with a free 30-day trial; no credit card is needed. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does Google Trends cost money?

No, Google Trends is a free tool that helps people see how a particular keyword performs on Google and whether it is favored over a specific period. 

How do I use Google Trends for the niche? 

Google Trends helps you identify new opportunities within a niche. This tool can define your niche, analyze trends, validate the market size, explore related queries and topics, and test your products. 

Is Google Trends good for dropshipping? 

Yes, Google Trends is a good tool for dropshipping, as it offers valuable insights into the market’s trending products.

How do you find dropshipping trends?

One common way that most people use to find dropshipping trends is by using Google Trends. This tool helps you identify particular product trends in the market. The product is perfect for your dropshipping business if the trend is high. 

1 thought on “How To Use Google Trends For Dropshipping”

  1. This is a fantastic guide to using Google Trends! I’m going to try that out. Thanks for sharing this helpful resource!

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