Ecommerce Bot

Secrets To A Successful Social Media Strategy

Secrets To A Successful Social Media Strategy

Thanks to technological advancements and increased mobile users, social media platforms are expanding daily. Before, these platforms were just places where people could socialize. Still, today, people use them for marketing, communication, politics, and business, hence the need to learn at least one Social Media Strategy.  In 2023, social media had around 5 billion users […]

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Shopify bots

Shopify Bots To Try Right Now For Ecommerce Store

Shopify is one of the largest and most popular e-commerce platforms today. With more than 2.1 million active users daily, it is a lucrative platform for people wanting to venture into the e-commerce business world.  One common challenge that most Shopify store owners face is managing their stores. From communicating with customers to managing inventory,

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inventory management

Steps To Prepare Inventory And Manage With Ecommercebot

With the increase of competition in the business sector, mainly in e-commerce, inventory management is crucial for businesses to have well-functioning retail companies. A good inventory management strategy helps optimize the sales and profit of your business and offers a better customer experience.  If your business needs inventory management, you can avoid making several mistakes

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Ecommerce bots

The Guide To Ecommerce Bots: Different Types And Examples

Ecommerce bots were first introduced in the 1960s. At first, the bots used pattern matching to converse, but they advanced to using complex natural language processing models such as ChatGPT.  Today, these bots have evolved into powerful tools that make running an ecommerce store seamless. The bots handle various tasks for online retailers, such as

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how ecommerce bot works

How Ecommerce Bot Works: Help To Get You Started

Ecommerce is booming with each passing day.  Global ecommerce sales are expected to exceed $6 billion in 2024 and reach $8 billion in 2025, according to Statista. That shows how this kind of business is not stopping anytime and will only continue to balloon.  However, starting and succeeding in ecommerce can be challenging. It requires meticulous

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Ecommercebot vs Tidio

Ecommercebot vs Tidio: Which Chatbot Works Best

What’s the difference between Ecommercebot and Tidio? Do they offer the same benefits for your business? Well, both platforms are designed to ensure the smooth running of your business.  However, each has its unique way of doing that.  That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive comparison to help you make the best choice. Read on to

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Ecommercebot vs Manychat

Ecommercebot vs Manychat: How Do They Differ

AI tools and bots have become increasingly popular in almost every business. E-commerce is one sector that has adopted these automation tools to increase sales and ease processes.  For instance, live chatbots, social media automation, and e-commerce store automation tools have changed the industry tremendously.  Gone are the days when companies had to employ virtual

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Myths About AI In Ecommerce

8 Myths About AI In Ecommerce: Fact From Fiction

The emergence of (AI) technologies is captivating and shifting everything in the e-commerce industry. Entrepreneurs in the digital space and e-commerce need to embrace the existence of AI and leverage its potential. AI has generated its fair share of myths, facts, and hearsay. This post aims to decipher the myths about AI in the e-commerce

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How AI Chatbots Work

How Do AI Chatbots Work Step By Step (Types Of Bots)

For e-commerce entrepreneurs, customer retention and interaction are make-or-break issues; luckily, AI-powered tools are changing the industry.  The entry of AI chatbots has reshaped marketing in this digital age, helping business owners drive more sales and increase customer conversion rates. Now, to answer the question.’ How do AI chatbots work? We must first understand the

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