How To Find The Best Time To Post on TikTok

Any time is a good time for TikTok videos. That’s true. TikTok has great content to watch and enjoy whether you open the app at 7 am or 4 pm.

However, as a content creator, you will only give your videos the desired traffic sometimes. It’s prudent to realize that watching patterns vary at different times of the day or night. 

Why? The audience mostly watches TikTok videos or content during their free time. 

Generally, TikTok has around 1.7 billion users globally. This has transformed the platform from an entertainment center to an incredible platform for showcasing or marketing products and brands. 

Understanding user patterns might help garner more views for your marketing campaigns or content.

Even entertainers need to know when their audience is online. This will undoubtedly boost views to their videos. 

Some Quick Facts

  • TikTok is the 4th most prominent social media platform, with around 1.7 billion users.
  • There are always viewers on TikTok any time of the day
  • TikTok audience has specific watch patterns based on the availability of free time
  • Some days are better than others to post videos on TikTok
  • Some hours of the day are better to post on TikTok than others

What is the best time for US users to post on TikTok?

Generally, no one time is ideal for all users to post on TikTok. Or, as some would say, there is no one-time-fits-all for posting on TikTok.

This means there are many ways to identify the best time to post your videos on TikTok. Many factors come into play when determining the best time.

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For instance, what kind of content do you want to promote? Who is your target audience? And, what is your country or region? All these are factors to consider.

But there is a better time to post than the other. There is! However, they are averages based on studies and thorough analysis of the posts’ interactions on the platform.

If you live in the US, based on the EST time zone, here are the ideal times to post your content on TikTok for higher engagement and viewership.

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Comparing these times shows that different days offer varying ideal timeframes for posting on TikTok. This is because, each day, people visit social media platforms at various times. Mostly, this is affected by work, school, and other activities during the day.

So, don’t just create and post videos. Study these patterns well if you want your hard work to pay off. Understand when your videos are more likely to get more views and when they are not. That way, you don’t rely on pure luck. 

Best Time to Post TikTok Content Globally

While the US is among the largest TikTok markets with over 150 million users, it’s not the only market. So, what are the best TikTok posting times for the rest of the globe?

Well, there are only so many times to post. This is because various TikTok users have different fan bases and watch patterns. 

For example, if your content targets working-class individuals, there are better times to post than working hours. You should post before a workday starts, during common breaks like tea and lunch, or after the workday ends. 

On the other hand, if your viewership depends on the young, non-working generation, these patterns may change depending on their schedules. Also, different countries and regions have different watch patterns.

However, after much research and study, specific days and times showed more traffic on the platform. These are the times you should consider posting your content. 

For instance, here are some tips you can consider when creating your content:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: Best days to post on TikTok
  • Weekdays: Posting on weekdays gives you access to more traffic than on weekends
  •  Best posting time: Try posting content either before workdays start or after working hours, depending on your region

Lastly, since everyone will also be posting during these times, why not be unique? Post a few minutes earlier or after the suggested time. If everyone goes for 9 a.m., try 8:57 a.m. or 9:05 a.m.

Why Specific Times are Better to Post on TikTok than Others

Research conducted by SocialPilot evaluated how people react to posts and videos on various social media platforms. The results showed that different platforms have different favorite-watching times. 

The research conducted on TikTok, on over 50,000 TikTok accounts and over 700,000 posts, gave the following results. 

Mondays: Best Time to Post on TikTok 

This research showed that most people open or interact with TikTok videos on Mondays at 6 a.m., 10 a.m., or 10 p.m. What do you realize about these times of the day?

First, these are times when most people are not working or studying. At 6 am, most people have yet to report to work or school. They are either preparing to go to work or school or are on their way there.

At 10 am, this is usually during the tea break. And lastly, at 10 pm, people are off work and are almost retiring to bed.

Tuesdays: Best Time to Post on TikTok

On Tuesdays, the patterns change. The best times are 2 am, 4 am, and 9 am. Why? No one knows.

However, the pattern shows that most people prefer checking their TikTok accounts late at night or early in the morning on Tuesdays. 

Additionally, Tuesdays are the best days to attract the most video views.

Wednesdays: The Best Time to Post on TikTok

On Wednesdays, the most appropriate time to post on TikTok is early morning, before the day starts, and late evening, before retiring to bed. 

You will garner more views on Wednesday if you post at 7 am, 8 am, and 11 pm. So, let people enjoy your content before they start or at the end of their busy day. 

Thursdays: Best Time to Post on TikTok

For Thursdays, 9 am, 12 pm, and 7 pm time slots take the day. People are most active during morning hours, lunch breaks, and home commuting. 

Various research shows that just before lunchtime is the best time on Thursdays. Like Tuesdays, Thursdays have incredible traffic. So, if you want the best day to post on TikTok, you can try Thursdays.

Fridays: Best Time to Post on TikTok

Fridays are the last work day of the week for some people. But what time should you post your content for the highest engagement? The ideal Friday times are 5 am, 1 pm, or 3 pm. 

As with most days, mornings, lunch hours, and evenings are extraordinary. As the weekend draws near, the evening hours come earlier, and late-night traffic also drops. 

Saturdays: Best Time to Post on TikTok

Now that the weekend is here, many people are not waking up early to go to school or work. This significantly changes the viewership patterns for your TikTok content. 

For instance, the ideal time to schedule your posting on Saturday is 11 am, 7 pm, and 8 pm. There is no early morning, lunchtime, or late-night traffic. 

This is mainly because most people enjoy their weekend break with family or friends and might be a little into TikTok.  

Sundays: What is the best time to post on TikTok?

After relaxing and sleeping on Saturday, most people resume their early schedules on Sunday. Most will attend church or want to have enough time to enjoy with family and friends before starting their work or school week the following day. 

As such, early mornings from 7 to 8 am are a good time to post. Also, early evenings, usually 4 pm, are ideal for Sunday postings. 

But as mentioned earlier, there is no one-size-fits-all for posting on TikTok. What works in the US might not work in Asia or Europe. So, also evaluate the traffic on your videos at different times. Try to understand what time best works for your content, as the audience and location affect these viewership patterns. 

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What Other Experts and Studies Say About the Best TikTok Posting Time

While different researchers almost agree on the best time to post on TikTok, slight variations exist. As such, it’s wise to have a comprehensive look at things. Besides Socialpilot, here is what other experts recommend:

Influencer Marketing Hub

After studying around 100,000 TikTok posts, Influencer Marketing Hub developed these recommendations for the best posting times on TikTok.

Note: These are on ET time:

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You might notice some differences compared to the previous SocialPilot data. However, as we said, different audiences will offer different data.


Ecommercebot recommends the following times, also in ET Time:

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If you are a content creator or a marketer, understanding how different times affect your content’s viewership can help you attain more traffic and engagement. 

Best Time to Post on TikTok Based on Location or Industry

Several factors will influence the best time to post your videos on TikTok. Some of the main ones include location and audience type or industry. What does this mean?


US viewership patterns differ from those in Australia, the Philippines, or Africa. Therefore, understand these patterns based on your location. 

For instance, the best times to post on Tuesdays in the US are 2 am, 4 am, and 9 am. ET, the best times in Australia are 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, and 6:30 pm PHT. This makes it crucial to understand your local time. 

If your target is a global audience, you need to convert your local time to understand the best time to post based on your target audience’s location. 

Best Time Based on Industry

To learn how to find the best time to post on TikTok, you must also understand the industry you are targeting. Different industries have different watch times. 

Here is what it means:

  • Schools: Between Tuesday and Thursday at 11 am or 3 pm
  • Photographers: Post lunch hours from 2 pm to 3 pm
  • Restaurants: Between Mondays and Thursdays from 2 pm to 5 pm
  • Gamers: From 10 am to 12 noon 
  • Fashion: Between 10 pm and 7 am

It’s, therefore, crucial to first understand your target audience and their behavior before posting your content. Otherwise, you might be disappointed by the low number of views. 

Tips on How to Find the Best Time to Post on TikTok

The truth is that the data provided here shouldn’t offer rigid timelines. Given that various studies offer varying data and audience types differ, you should use the data as a base. Use it to find the ideal time to post your TikTok videos based on your unique parameters, such as location, industry, and audience habits. 

Here are some tips to help you find the best time to post on TikTok:

Understand your Audience

You should ask yourself these three questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where is your audience located?
  • What’s their schedule (when are they active or asleep)?

Each type of audience is unique. If you try to serve your audience the way someone else serves theirs, you’ll make a dire mistake. It’s like slowly killing your work. 

Try to connect with your audience as much as possible. Even if you have audiences in different locations or time zones, try to sync with each one. 

Read also: 13+Logistics Business Ideas You Should Start

Try Different Times 

Once you know your audience’s watching habits, try posting at the different times you’ve identified. Then, you can analyze the data and see which times offer better viewership for your videos.

What was the best time was better? Therefore, your analysis will help you choose the ideal time. 

Using TikTok Analytics, you can analyze your posts regarding views, likes, comments, and shares. When you click on the creator tools, you will find all this data under your analytics dashboard.

Create Great Content

Always ensure you have what your audience wants. This is usually in terms of quality. If you offer substandard content, your audience will grow tired quickly and stop engaging with it. 

Therefore, always be creative. Offer fresh content that appeals to your audience. Avoid being monotonous. 

You can find new ideas from other creators, see what they are doing, and emulate some of their excellent work. Sometimes, learning from others offers the best solution for content redundancy. 


Have a schedule and stick to it! Post consistently after you’ve identified the best posting times and created the right content. 

This way, both the TikTok algorithm and your audience can see your posting pattern, which helps your posts garner more traffic.

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To optimize consistency, you can use TikTok scheduling tools. The tools will help automate your scheduling, ensuring your posts reach your customers or audience at the right time. 

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