How To Increase Ecommerce Sales: 11 Top Ways

Starting any kind of business, online or physical, is a hustle. However, the real hustle comes in scaling that business and making it successful.

Ecommerce is one of the fastest-growing online businesses today. According to Statista, e-commerce sales will reach 3.2 billion users by 2029

This shows just how lucrative ecommerce business is and is expected to be, all thanks to the numerous opportunities presented to you through the internet. 

But does that mean success here is automatic? No! It takes effort and strategy.

Generally, you have several options for making more money in your e-commerce business. You can lower prices to increase sales or charge higher.

Increasing ecommerce sales is undoubtedly the most sustainable way to grow your revenue. Why? Hiking the prices might chase away some customers. 

So, how do you increase your e-commerce sales to grow your business?

Check out these expert-approved strategies, which you can implement to see your e-commerce business grow immensely.

But first;

What Affects Ecommerce Sales?

Before you proceed, you must understand your business. Understanding the factors influencing your sales volume can make it relatively easy to grow sales.

For instance, several factors can increase or lower your sales if you have a Shopify store. These could include seasonal patterns, marketing efforts, competitors’ activities, or your chosen products. 

Increase Ecommerce Sales

However, we can summarize these factors more simply. The success of your Shopify store depends on traffic ( the number of people visiting it) and conversion rate (the number of people willing to spend on your products).

How do you increase the traffic to your ecommerce store and the conversion rate?

Top 11 Ways to Increase Ecommerce Sales

Getting more people to buy more from your stores requires employing effective strategies. Here are the best ways to increase ecommerce sales that you can adapt for your store. 

Creating Awareness through Social Media

People can’t buy what they don’t know or see, so creating awareness is the first step in increasing e-commerce sales. 

The next question is, how do you create awareness? Social media advertising is the simple answer. 

Fortunately, this is not an uphill task if done right. With internet ads, making your store known is easy. 

Social media platforms like:



Twitter and YouTube can help you reach your target audience quickly and promote your brand.

And you don’t even have to do it manually. Incredible AI tools can help you do this with just a few clicks. 

For this, use an e-commerce bot for seamless social media management. After creating your brand profile, you only need to provide it with a prompt, and it will create and schedule a post that promotes your brand. Then, sit back and watch your e-commerce store grow in traffic and sales.

Increase ecommerce sales

The bot creates and schedules engaging content on social media such as Instagram and Facebook. 

The beta feature helps in post-interaction and automated interactive responses in direct message engagements. The tool does all the hard work for you. 

Besides reaching your audience through social media platforms, you can also invest in paid marketing campaigns. 

This could include billboard, print, or digital ads through search engines and social media platforms. The goal is to inform people about your store and your products. 

Digital ads like Facebook and Instagram and search engines like Google ads are more effective in this era. This is because you can tailor your ads for specific target audience groups based on demographics, age, interests, and browsing behavior. 

Plus, you can also use pixel integration for retargeting. This way, the conversion rate is higher than in traditional ads like billboards. Also, digital ads can reach more people as the internet is global.

Digital ads are easy with AI. This Instagram and Facebook automation bot helps run a campaign with a button click. All you need to do is sign up, key in brand-relevant information, and use the tool to set up and run your Google and social campaigns. 

Also, it has split testing features that allow split testing of different combinations of headings, images, and copies until you get the one that works best for your store.

Work on Your Sales Funnel

Improving your sales funnel can also help grow your sales. You only need to use the ecommerce site metrics to identify what is ailing your sales funnel. These metrics help you make data-driven decisions.

For example, assume your site has low traffic but a high conversion rate. You can decide to increase your traffic through social media ads. This way, you can tap on the high conversion rate advantage.

On the other hand, if you have high traffic but a low conversion rate, you should focus on different factors such as the site’s speed, user experience, pricing, etc. All these strategies aim to convert the available traffic into buying customers. 

Use Targeted Pricing

Having a one-for-all price for your products can work in specific markets. However, better strategies might be better when you target different markets. 

Targeted pricing works well when you have markets in different geographical locations. For instance, a US market differs from an African or Asian market. 

What you charge the US market can differ from what you charge the African markets. Why? These are different economies; what might be cheap for a specific market could be outrageous for another. 

Taxes are also significantly different in these regions. Therefore, create prices that match the market’s financial capability.

Scarcity Strategy 

Sometimes, you need to create urgency in the minds of your customers to get them to buy. Sounds like tricking them, right? Well, it is not. 

Essentially, you want to help the customer see the urgency of buying a particular product at that exact time. 

You can use the scarcity strategy in several ways. One is to indicate the number of products left in your stock.

This way, when the numbers are low, customers might want to buy before the stock runs out.

You can also use your email list to email customers about the diminishing number of products. While this does not guarantee sales, interested customers will make the purchase.

Make Use of In-app Shopping 

Many people would want an option to buy the product from where they see it. And this is only possible when you enable in-app shopping on your site. 

This way, when a client sees an ad on a social media platform, let’s say, Facebook or Instagram, they can purchase it there. They do not have to exit that social page to look for your store.

This convenience might work wonders in increasing your conversion rate from ads or marketing activities. 

Provide Social Proof

People buy products they can trust. And one way of getting your target audience to trust your brand and products is through social proof.

With the right products and user experience on your site, satisfied clients will leave positive reviews. However, so will the dissatisfied ones. 

This is the social proof we are talking about. You can post these customer reviews on your social media platforms to show new clients what your existing clients think about the products.

Positive reviews create trust, and more people will be willing to try your products. Being genuine is also crucial, so don’t delete or omit the negative reviews. 

If you have good products, the negative ones should be few. Displaying these helps the potential buyer know exactly what they are getting into. It also shows that you are trustworthy by not manipulating the reviews.

Have an Entry-Level Product 

This strategy works well when you have a new or highly-priced product. In this case, the entry-level product is an alternative to the premium or less well-known product.

More people can now buy your product or have a way to test your brand. From here, you can easily convince them to purchase the premium product later.

Most companies use this strategy to introduce their products to the market or grow their sales. Take, for example, Tesla. While their high-end cars are expensive, the manufacturer has several other cheaper alternatives.

This way, more of the target audience can afford to drive a Tesla. But to get the premium ones, you must dig deeper into your pockets. 

Do Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy. When done right, email campaigns can produce excellent results. 

But how can you have a successful email campaign?

Start by finding an ideal email marketing app that suits your needs and budget, such as Aweber or GetResponse. 

Then, create clear and measurable goals. Whether you want to build brand and product awareness or announce new product offers and lines, having specific goals is crucial to achieving success with your email campaigns.

Email campaigns serve multiple purposes, from providing coupon codes for special occasions to recommending complementary products to remind and convince shoppers with abandoned carts to buy. 

Some emails offer entertainment and educational value to customers and give transactional information like shipping and order confirmations.

In conducting email campaigns, segment subscribers and tailor your campaigns for different groups to maximize conversions.

For example, new customer emails can help create product awareness, while emails to repeat customers recommend new products and offer to encourage another purchase.

Some email campaigns may be tailored to meet different objectives. For example, you can send an email to remind a shopper who abandoned their cart to complete the purchase. 

At the same time, you can provide recommendations for different products they may be interested in. 

Reduce Cart Abandonment 

Cart abandonment occurs when a potential customer begins purchasing by clicking the checkout button but drops out before completing the purchase. It is a common issue among most online stores.

Baymard Institute states that there is an average of 69.99% cart abandonment. That means that for every 100 customers who start a purchase process in your store,70 drop off. 

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Tackling cart abandonment issues can increase e-commerce sales. One way to achieve that is through retargeting ads and reminder emails. Another is to offer support and find out the reasons for shoppers’ dropping out. 

Where possible, could you provide them with solutions? For instance, an alternative could be offered if the shopper did not find a payment method that suits them. 

Improve Your Site User Experience

The user interface could be challenging for potential customers to navigate. This may be the reason most customers do not make the purchase decision. How do you solve this?

Make the site user-friendly, functional, and persuasive. Redesign the store and represent your brand appropriately. 

Additionally, make the homepage eye-catching and product pages easy to explore. Using high-quality product images and keeping the product descriptions updated will also help.

The checkout process also influences site user experience. Try to make it as simple and intuitive as possible. If you accept multiple forms of payment, make it clear to the customer.

Also, offer customer support throughout the process. Live chats are perfect for this. An app like integrates with a Shopify store and has a live chat features you can use. 

Key Takeaway: Improve Sales with Automation

Increasing ecommerce sales is an ultimate goal that all ecommerce store owners want to achieve. And it can be better achieved with these strategies plus automation.  

Automating ecommerce tasks such as setting up and running ads, live chats, and managing social media can help improve sales and conversions. Choosing an AI tool that suits your needs and budget is essential. 

Integrating your store with  Ecommercebot AI for ads helps create and optimize Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads. The Shopify bot improves the shopping experience by tracking inventory orders and providing customer support. 

All these automated tasks increase ecommerce sales conversions. With automation, you use less effort, money, and time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to drive more traffic to my ecommerce website?

Some of the most effective ways of growing traffic on your e-commerce site include pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and social media marketing. For example, you can optimize your site with the right keywords, launch targeted marketing campaigns, or pay for ads on various platforms.

How can I improve my ecommerce store’s conversion rate?

You can achieve this by improving your site’s performance. Start by optimizing your product page with high-quality images, offering reviews, providing detailed descriptions, and increasing your site’s speed. You should also streamline the checkout process to ensure people stay energized and continue the purchase. 

How can I increase customer retention and repeat purchases?

Offering exceptional customer service, good products, and building customer loyalty are among the most effective strategies. You can also implement a rewards program to reward loyal and repeat customers. This way, the customers can feel continually engaged and valued. 

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